Hey ho!! Madre mía que abandonado tengo el blog eh? Voy a ver si escribiendo en el idioma de Cervantes me animo a escribir todos los días, o al menos más a menudo!!
Me encuentro bastante apretado de tiempo, ya que el expocomic está casi a la vuelta de la esquina y me faltan algunas cosas todavía! Y encima estoy haciendo tryouts para algunos curros! Y encima me apunto a un curso de migración de Freehand a Illustrator! (adios, mi querido freehand T__T el tiempo juntos fue corto pero intenso) Y encima todavía tengo la santa desfachatez de tocarme un poco los cataplines!! Así que actualización cortita y con algo de chicha.
Os dejo con la 2ª Jam del estudio, esta vez con más gente que la anterior!! Los personajes elegidos fueron el genial Gigante de Hierro con motivo del próximo sketchbook 10º aniversario
y Manny Calavera, el protagonista de la genial aventura gráfica "Grim Fandango" que nos pareció un personaje cojonudo para hacer algo relacionado con Halloween/Día de los Muertos sin entrar en Pesadilla Antes de Navidad y demás tipiqueces.
Y aquí os dejo con mis sketchs para esta jam, me gusta especialmente como acabó quedando Manny. Decidí experimentar un poco con cosas nuevas y lo hice borrando con goma sobre una mancha de lapiz B6, y luego usando un poco ese mismo lapiz para definir algunas partes.
Y como bonus os dejo con un chibi que le hice a mi novia porque si xD porque hace ya bastante que no le regalo nada y se lo merece, que bastante tiene con aguantar al capullo de novio que tiene xDHale! Hasta otra, gente! Un saludo!
Os dejo con un temazo de los clásicos: 20th Century Boy, de T-Rex

Just a quick update for you all (my three readers xDDDD). It's a commission i did for our nº1 fan, Kashiita! :D YAY! The character is her sister's Anima RPG character, some kind of pirate girl with a big snake and bad attitude (and i love girls, pirates and bad attitude xD hooray for that!). Hope you like it!!
(For more info about commissions, drawings and stuff, visit my DeviantArt account!!)
Hey ho, folks! ElectroCereal here, opening his brand new piece-of-shit blog. Not hoping much people will come around here, either, but meh...still want to open it and see what happens, you know? (also, i've got to open a blog for uploading my photography class' stuff -__-). Anyway, the design of this isn't finished, i'll try to do something more original and add some stuff of mine...or at least i'll try to do so..LOL
Enough talk! Let's get serious on this!
Here's a little work i did for my photography subject in my uni. Not a big deal, but still had fun doing it. Just some polaroid photos (damn, polaroid photopaper is pretty fucking expensive, but taking the photos is hell of fun!!) to represent what do we like or don't like. Here they are!!
First two. That's "I like to live my dream" (as in "i like to be comic artist, of course" xD) and "I don't like not having goals". Not much to say about it. The "professional" pair, isn't it?
Two more. "I like to dye my hair" and "I don't like to sweat". The aesthetical two.
Another two! "I like magic and occultism" (booooo spooky me! ROFL!) and "I don't like the churchs". I don't know how to translate that..it's not that i don't like the building itselfs or anything like that. It's more that i don't like the major religions or "the organized ones", hope i make myself clear. I think God, and oneself relation with him is something personal and private, and everyone has to find the best way for him and the style of praising that fits himself, not being guided by geezers that tells everyone the same crap without bothering about the individual problems that anyone has. That's why i don't like religions. (i hope i made myself clear about that, it's difficult as hell to explain my points in english! T__T)
Last two!! "I like the cold" and "I don't like shorts". Easy one!
Hope you've enjoyed it!! See ya next entry!!
Today's track is:
Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds